It’s almost impossible to niche too much. ‘Professional males’ isn’t a niche — it’s WAY to broad a group. Even ‘male executives working in engineering’ isn’t really niche enough, because there are so many different kinds of engineering that you’ll disappear into white noise.
Don’t worry about excluding — that is never the problem. The real problem is actually being heard. You simply won’t be heard if you try to go broad. You’ll only be heard if you are specific enough in your niche that people who hear you describe it will think ‘that’s me!’.
May I offer some help? Between 9–12 May, I’m running another free, 4-Day challenge for qualified coaches called Nail Your Niche. It’s 4 concepts, 4 short tasks and 4 lightbulb moments (from previous experience!) You can join us by enrolling here: